Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I haven't done anything on this blog except that first post, so maybe I'll try to start. So why not get things going with something dramatic?

At school yesterday I had it out with a Teacher. This teacher is fairly new as I've heard. His name is Mr.deJong. He teaches economy/AP and Government. I have him for prep Econ. I've never really done anything to stand out in that class, and if I did it could only have been poisitve. Such as answering questions when others wouldn't. I never talk out of line and I don't have any friends in that class to chat with. I sit directly in front of his podium, so I couldn't get away with anything if I tried.
A little background information:
At the beginning of every school year for as long as I've been in school I always say the same thing. "Call me whatever you like. Just, please, don't. Call. Me. Vicki." Simple enough of a request, right? This year, my senior year I decided to maybe try something new. Tell them the same thing but start a new nickname for myself. I go by Tory, but this time with the two new teachers I was meeting for the first time I introduced myself as Lane. My middle name. So. It's either Lane or Victoria.
Mr.deJong has never gotten this wrong. Never slipped up. He rarely said my name to begin with because he hardly ever interacts with Students.
So, he starts an open discussion of the Journal, like he always does and somehow he connects it to Tattoos and says, "... Like a Tattoo, which is a momentary lapse in judgement." So I say to him, just adding, "It;s not always necessarily a lapse in judgement." He kinda, "tsks" it away as if annoyed with my addition. Then a boy names Luis says to me, "what if you're drunk?" then I laughed and said, "Well... That's different." And we both laughed quietly. But then...
"Vicki, be quiet." Vicki. VICKI. VICKI.
Then, I shocked myself(and no one seems to believe me, except Vivian and Hillary), I gave Mr.deJong no attitude, I simply said, "Mr.deJong, could you please not call me Vicki?"
Oooooh, but his response. Instead of apologizing, or even faking an apology or correcting his mistake he says, "No, I will call you vicki because it is your name."
What the Fuck?
So, I said, "That's not my name." and he says, "Well, that's what I'm going to call you, Vicki."
What the Fuck?
So I said, "My name is Victoria, don't call me Vicki." And here's the big one. He says to me, "No, that's what I'm going to call you, so you can Shut up now, Vicki."
Um... What the Fuck?!
Sadly, I tried one more time, "My name is not Vicki, don't call me that." Ugh, I felt the stupid tears then, too. I was so mad.
Then, for the first time in my life, I was kicked out of class.
"No, you can pack your things and get out of my class and sit in the hallway, Vicki."
I was kicked out of class. Not because I was being obnoxious. Not because I wasn't doing my work. Not even because I was defying him! But because I wanted to be called by my actual Name. Have you ever heard something so Ludicrous? I haven't. And I never ONCE rose my voice or gave that pathetic excuse for a teacher any attitude.
As I walked out of the class I said for the final time, "My name is Victoria." and you know what?
He got the fucking last word.
"I said get out, not keep talking, Vicki."
I repeat,
What. The. FUCK?!

I've never been so disrespected or insulted by a teacher. A teacher.
I kicked some walls when I got outside and I was crying a lot by then. Then Mrs.Piles--A woman I've never met--came to me and asked what had happened and told me to come to her office and talk. She gave me water and tissues haha. Then did me the biggest, coolest favor ever. She went onto my file on the computer and changed my first name and put under "Alias", Tory.
Then she walked me up to the office to explain. I had already called my mom to come pick me up the moment I got out of the classroom.
My mom came and got me and I told her what happened. So... We walked back into the school and demanded to speak so someone about it.
So we talked to the vice principle... Sadly all he said was, "Well, we'll have to talk to him."
Ugh... no help AT ALL.
And, ironically guess what his name was.

My exciting day at school.
And that was just Tuesday.